A song written by Ruth Walker
1. O Holy Whisper, I hear You calling, down from the hill-tops, into my heart.
Draw us together as one holy people part of Christ’s Body re-membered as One.
Come to the waters, come to the sea, let Me flow through you a channel for me.
Come to the waters, come to the sea, let Me flow through you a channel for me.
2. O Divine Wisdom, I come here before You, what can I give you, I’m standing alone?...
Then take My hand, join us in dancing, sing to God’s music, God is your home. Refrain
3. Come to the waters, although you have nothing, eat at My table with stranger and friend.
Come tell your stories to One who will listen,
safe in the One Love, your own heart’s desire. Refrain
4. She dances in fire, inflaming our longing, for She is the Spirit that draws and inspires, our hearts to be open, to breaking the silence, the Truth from within us the freedom of God. Refrain
5. With Word and Wisdom, follow Lord Jesus, live out the Gospel, to love and to serve, the hungry, the lost, the silenced, the outcasts, the lonely, the broken, your neighbours, your friends. Refrain
Words © Ruth Walker. 2020. All Rights Reserved.