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Our Loving Father

Writer's picture: Cannington AnglicansCannington Anglicans

God is Love. No one can fathom how wide, big and deep His love is. He loves us so much, He came to be one of us in the person of Jesus Christ, seeking to reconcile all of God’s children to Godself, and forgive the sin that separates us from our Heavenly Father. Jesus lived this mission to the full, even to the point of death on the cross – his sacrifice of loving obedience to the Father for us. Killed by our sin, for our sin, and all to show that in Jesus God forgives our sin. So that those who believe in Jesus are made right with God and are called to inherit His eternal kingdom and avoid eternal death.

There are many stories in the bible that show how God loves us. On this occasion, I want to go back to the beginning, the book of Genesis. After creating the entire universe and our world, beautiful and bountiful, our Heavenly Father created man (Adam) and woman (Eve) in His image. God gave them power to rule over the earth and blessed them to increase in numbers and be fruitful. Can you imagine, God gave them EVERYTHING on the earth, just with one strict rule, not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, else they will surely die. You know what happened next, just like any spoilt brats do, Adam and Eve did not keep their promise!

So, God banished them from the Garden of Eden. But, before He did that, he made clothes for Adam and Eve and then clothed them. Being a mother and having two spoilt girls of my own, I can imagine the beautiful scene between God, Adam and Eve. I can vividly imagine the sorrowful look on God’s face having to banish them from His presence, the place of comfort and protection. I can image He clothed Adam and Eve just like I clothed my little girls after giving them a bath, a task I love doing to give them comfort and warmth. It must have broken His heart to see them face to face and say goodbye, as humanity from that point onwards was separated from God. Having to do it hard in the ‘real world’. I did not understand the significance of this verse before, until God blessed me with children of my own.

Nonetheless, as I read through the bible cover to cover, I discovered His great and unfailing love no matter how terrible humanity has become. He always call us to come back to Him from the fall of humanity to this very day. I hope as time goes by, I could show you God’s unlimited love through this blog and pray you will be blessed, just like God has blessed me.

With love, In Christ,

Felicia Engelin

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