Aching hearts and desolation
shows in faces of the poor,
Spirits broken, minds so damaged,
curled in cardboard on the floor.
Cold and darkness all foreboding,
Seldom finding food to eat,
Pleading faces beg for mercy,
Lives depleted, filled with grief.
Can we give some consolation?
Can we move beyond our fears?
See the face of Jesus weeping,
Born to set the captives free.
No more suicides this dark night,
No more drug-induced demise.
Stretch Your hand, bring light and healing
Refuge for their fragile lives.
Lives are precious, wise and holy,
Seeking peace amidst the strife.
Enter into all their suffering.
Try to understand their plight.
Can we give some consolation?
Can we move beyond our fears?
See the face of Jesus weeping,
Born to set the captives free.
Ravaged earth and poisoned waters
Come from greed and selfishness;
Let us understand the heartache
Of First People …..dispossessed.
Challenge all our weak intentions,
Question all our thoughts and fears.
May we care in ways authentic
Change us into broken bread.
Can we give some consolation?
Can we move beyond our fears?
See the face of Jesus weeping.
Born to set the captives free.
Music and Lyrics by Ruth Walker © 2020
Photo of 'Homeless Jesus' by Timothy Schmalz - www.sculpturebytps.com